Jesse Price

apothecary | satanic dark arts

rockstar | The incubus ex-vocalist

'The star shines with cocaine dusts and sex life; Bright camera lights turned him to a geisha of the media.'
Full name: Jesse Price.
Stage name: Jesse
Age: 27
Occupation: Soloist
Race & Ethnicity: Korean-American
Height: 180cm
Orientation: Bisexual - Male lean
Face Claim: Kim Taehyung (BTS)
Voice Claim: Jesse Rutherford (The Neighbourhood)
Alignment: Chaotic evil
'If you ride like lightning, you're going to crash like thunder.'
Jesse was a problematic teen with anger management issues. His parents were almost never present in his life since they were always busy with work— too busy to care for him, and Jesse wanted attention. So doing what a normal angsty teenager do, he became rebellious and a horrible bully that hurt others for the sake of attention. He would get into so much trouble until one day, the school had enough of him and made him a high school drop out.
And that was when his parents finally paid attention to Jesse and decided that they needed to do something to him. They sent him to a therapist, much to his displeasure.
Jesse was a stubborn kid and strongly refused to go seek help. He would constantly skipped his therapy sessions and opted to go to the arcade with his friends or smoke behind an abandoned building. But after a few months that his parents tried to coax him into seeing his therapist, he finally went to his first, proper therapy session.
He would never thought that one visit would turn to two, then three, before he found himself finally visiting his therapist regularly and eventually, he opened up about his thoughts and feelings. His therapist suggested that he channeled his frustrations to activities that he enjoyed, and Jesse did that by trying out different things.
None of them worked out, and he was growing frustrated and angry at himself for being difficult. There were countless nights he found himself crying out of sheer anger solely because he didn't understand himself and how his parents treated him as if he was a burden.
He would drown himself in music, blasting his headphones on as he wrote down his disruptive thoughts and emotions into paper.
The routine repeated itself for a few times, and with headphones off, he quietly scribbled on his notebook and found himsef voicing out the lyrics into a tune.
It was not something that Jesse had considered of doing, and yet, he found solace in his little routine and it gradually became something that he found himself focused on doing.
Jesse joined an existing band that was in need of a vocalist who bailed on them last minute before a performance. He was just lending a helping hand, and being in a band wasn’t something that he was thinking in terms of career, since he was considering of being a soloist. Yet unexpectedly for him, Jesse felt connected to them and he ended up being an addition to their band.
When he was 18, Jesse ran away from home.
His father had disapproved of his career choice when he told his parents that he would like to pursue music and remain in his band. The songs that he wrote was torn apart by his father, while his mother coaxed him to change his mind. Of course, it didn’t end well. Jesse decided to pack his things and leave; knowing if he stayed, he would most likely threw a punch to his father's face.
He ended up living with his grandparents who supported the dreams of a high school dropout. Jesse landed a waitering job at a local café that he often performed with his bandmates, the owner knew him and was more than happy to let him work there.
And when he was 20, his bleak world finally took a turn.
It started with just an ordinary day job at the café, and a performing gig at a bar during the night. But he couldn’t forget how ecstatic he felt when a producer from a well-known record label approached his band after they finished their performance and are interested in signing them in. Apparently, he had been going to their performance for quite sometime.
21 was his first taste of fame. Being young and drowned with attention, it could be quite overwhelming, but Jesse couldn’t be any happier. His band —The Incubus — was making their way up album by album and just by 4 years, they manage to build a large fanbase and maintain their prominence.
But eventually, so much attention really did came with a price for Jesse. At 25, it was the time where he got involved with drugs. It was not nearly to the point where he got himself addicted, but it was enough that it affected his relationship with the band; doubled by various of his sex scandals constantly being the attention of the media.
Now, 26, Jesse officially quit the band and decided to take his calamity altogether and pursue a solo career.
These are a few storylines idea that I came up with. Feel free to send me a DM if you are interested in pursuing it. Note that it's limited to mutuals only.
Note: A specific character is needed for this plot. If chemistry is present in storyline, it could turn into a ship.
Character Idea:
A criminal / drug dealer that just got out of jail, a down right ‘up to no good’ personality, chaotic, strong-personality and wild, (optional) money-oriented, a mysterious past.
Genre: Possible angst and romance, a sprinkle of smut.
Plot: After a few weeks, wallowing himself in misery— a storm hit him. That storm came in the form of a man.
Jesse thought he looks like the type of boys his mother warned him.
But two things he knows for sure, he’s fucking hot; and he never listened to his mother’s words anyway.
Genre: Friends with benefits, possible angst, possible smut.
Plot: He needs someone constant in his life. A friend, close, yet not quite lovers. Jesse is not sure if he’s ready for that type of commitment.
Genre: Reunion, possible angst, possible friendship, possible smut.
Plot: Jesse may not remember, but he used to bully your muse.“You seemed familiar. Have we met before?”
Genre: Possible angst, possible friendship, possible romance, possible smut.
Plot: Jesse wanted to rip his heart out of his chest. The resemblance is uncanny. Why is this world cruel to him? It went so far to personally introduced him to a doppelgänger of his ex-fiancé.
Genre: Possible friendship, comedy, highschool reunion.
Plot: They were rivals, neck to neck. Constantly getting into fights, and down to paint each other with bruises. But fuck, it would be a lie if Jesse said he doesn’t want to fuck him.
Genre: Possible friends with benefits, possible romance, possible angst.
Plot: Jesse didn't know when he began to date his sexual partners. First, it had been a playful joke when the sex was good. It never lasted past two weeks, though. Boredom rolled by. Rinse and repeat.
Sebelum plotting dan berinteraksi, saya sarankan untuk membaca biografi karakter ini.Karakter ini terinspirasi dari vokalis Queen, Freddie Mercury. Maklumi jika ada kesamaan.DM selalu terbuka untuk plotting. English / Bahasa are welcome. This account is non-dating & NSA. Romance is not my priority. Jangan bawa writer saya ke dalam drama yang tidak faedah. Kalau ada masalah, ya DM. Jangan koar koar di Timeline. Risih.
Jesse had been in love.
It was the kind of love that he would never recover from. He was pulled towards him like how moths were drawn to the light. He loved him like how the ancients love the night sky. And pathetically, he yearns for him like how the wolves yearn for the moon; even when he twisted and broke his soul, leaving him into pieces that was starting to crumble into dust.
He loved him so much —too much; that he let himself drown in misery and self-destruction in hopes that maybe, just maybe the love of his life will return to his side if Jesse was just broken enough. After all, he always worried after him when he overworked himself to ill.
He picked his poison after that reason.
It hurts when his lungs were taking in the white chemicals. But afterwards, his system were overridden by the high of a man-made Forbidden Fruit and Jesse couldn’t feel the pain anymore. It was strange, everything felt like a delight even when he was doing nothing but laying on the couch amidst the boisterous party.
"I was thinking that we should work together sometime." The voice beside him spoke. Jesse thought the voice was pretty. Very pretty. It matched the owner of the voice. Soft and pretty.
But still, he was not prettier than him.
“Sure.” He drawled, reaching out for the voice, his hand cupped the side of his face with gentleness.
It seemed that his answer brought delight to the singer, because when Jesse looked at him, the boy was smiling brightly; ecstatic. He had asked him something again, and Jesse provided the same answer or something identical to the word.
“…—can we?”
“Of course.”
“Maybe we can shoot a music video for it too. Our fans will love it.”
“Sure thing, doll.”
It was the last thing Jesse had said before he lazily pulled the male up to his lap and leaned in to capture his lips with a kiss. Jesse thought he tasted like cherries and cloud.
It was strange, everything felt like a delight even when he was doing nothing but letting a stranger's hand hovered his skin, pinned him on the bed, and fucked him.
Perhaps his coping mechanism wasn’t the healthiest of all. But he craved to feel something other than hollow, shadowed over his heart. Drugs and intimacy helped to soothe his emptiness, even only for a moment. The very act of sex itself made him feel sentient in contrary to the numbing ache that haunts his very being.
The chemicals in his system is beginning to fade. Jesse could feel the pain creeping it’s way back inside his soul, and the pleasures of sex were the only thing that distracted him from feeling the gnawing emotional ache. It was erased momentarily from his thoughts when his body were entangled with another, intertwined in ardour when his mind was set on autofocus towards the pleasure.
The smell of sweat and sex that invaded his senses was nauseating, his post-orgasmic high dwindled, and again hollow to fill his chest once more. It felt horrible.
He found himself reaching for the small packet of white powder and snorted one up straight to his lungs, taking turns with the man beside him who then kissed his neck, growling playfully to tease Jesse even when he was doing nothing, but to stare blankly at the ceiling, slowly feeling the drugs in his system kicking in. But the high did nothing as he began to drown once more in depression.
When he closed his eyes, he saw it again.
'I will stay with you till the end.' A blurry image of a man smiling, making a pinky promise. And his heart ached for a second, before it felt empty once more. Like something had been lost.
"Shit." Jesse groaned, as he pushed the man off him. Opening his eyes and quickly gathered his clothes and put it back on, before leaving the place.
He stood there in the sidewalk, despite how the party still swings in full. He took out a cigarette and placed it between his lips, lit and inhale.
The extremity of his soul has only so much until it disappeared; and once the shattered pieces burned to dust it could not be recovered. It became just another broken remnant of an impaired embodiment. And he was in the middle of his downfall, holding to a rope as the shadows steadily engulfed him —billowing to consume and patiently waiting for him to crash down to the pit.
Full name: Venefica D'or Jessiah.
Known as: Jesse, The Blood Witch.
Age: 127 (Appears 26)
Occupation: Apothecary owner.
Race & Ethnicity: Korean-American
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Silver, with glamour. (Original is blonde)
Height: 180cm
Orientation: Bisexual - Male lean
Dark arts were practiced for generations into his family of pure-blood witches. The Venefica witches bonded thickly to Satan, being one of the proudest family within the coven. They were known to birth generations of gifted witches and warlock— and one of them that stood out was Jessiah.
A rebellious warlock that managed to constantly break the coven’s rules; from committing promiscuous act with a witch inside the (Satanic) church building, to committing homicide by hanging a Christian boy to a tree. The latter however, should not be a problem if not he was close to exposing the entire coven when an investigation is set into place.
When he, along with a few of his accomplices blew up the Vatican as a means of ‘art statement’— Jessiah fled out of the coven, knowing of the consequences he would face.
He ran North, taking very little with him. A few spellbooks that he owns and some clothing.
In general, witches and warlocks has the life expectancy of six hundred and six years, a pact that they made with Satan. Yet they did not escape the curse of aging even when it comes slow.
Jessiah—now known as Jesse after he ran away— was not pleased of the idea, as he took pride in his physical features. During his trip from cities to cities, he had obtained a forbidden book of spells through deception of another witch. He found a way to preserve his youth, and although he was a warlock with little to zero morality, he was quite emotional to learn that the requirement to be granted eternal youth was to sacrifice the life of another witch through a ritual.
One soul each for 13 full moons straight will grant him a two decades free of aging.
After many years spend into contemplation, one heartbreak caused from his lover, whom had an affair with another witch. Fueled by resentment, Jesse decided it was dire to perform the ritual after all.
(Atleast he’s only required to hunt 11 more witches left throughout the year.)
After the ritual was completed, the coven within the city he resided grew anxious of the disappearance of their members.
Learning this, Jesse moved into another city; a large one with a decent population of fellow witches, where he sets up his apothecary business discreetly in a narrow alley, selling various magical items, potions, spells by their recipe and herbs— along with curses, voodoo and fortune telling services.
Note: This character is multiship. Yet he will not be shipped with just anyone. Any ships are to be discussed/ will happen through chemistry between two characters.